
We will post any workshops/events or otherways to get involved here, please scroll down to see all the venues. All events are free and drop in, you don't need to book unless specified.

Family events
Open to all ages and abilities
Adult sessions

Blackburn Museum & Art Gallery

Launch of Timorous Beasties work
  • Date to be confirmed
Workshop sessions with artist Sarah Lawton
  • May 13th, Museum at Night Event, 6-7.30pm - An evening of ritual and printmaking taster sessions for all the family. Working with old wall papers & printing blocks, using both ink and graphite on paper to make a range of hand-pulled prints.
  • May 21st, 1-4pm, - A chance to ink up plates and print traditionally using an etching press. You will have the chance to make an edition of small cards that an be taken home on the day.
  • May 28th, 1-4pm - You can make a collagraph plate, collaging traditional flocked wallpaper, found material and natural forms. You will be learning about the inking up process and how to use different types of paper
  • June 4th, 1-4pm - Printmaking for all the family. Concentrating on mono-printing and mark making using stencils, inks and paints. You will have the chance to work collaboratively to produce a large scale print.
  • June 11th. 1-4pm - A workshops for adults. You will be working in dry-point etching and printing onto cotton paper. Please bring along family photgraphs to this workshop.
Haworth Art Gallery

Launch of Stuart Haygarth's Work
  • The new work will be on display from Saturday the 14th of May. Stuart Haygarth will give a talk about his new work - date to be confirmed.
Workshop sessions with artist Becky Waite

  • May 13th, Museum at Night Event, 6-7.30pm - An evening event that will give you the chance to get creative, with activity focussing on how to transform a ubiquitous and over looked obect, the plastic bottle, in interesting and unusual ways. Inspired by the beautiful Millefiori glass collection, you are invited to contribute to a growing sculptural installation of kaleidoscpic colour and pattern. Please bring your empty plastic drink bottles.
  • May 14th, 1-4pm - Kaleidoscope - Embellishing plastic bottle bases to create a sculptural window installation. A drop in session for everyone.
  • May 15th, 1-4pm - Kaleidoscope - Embellishing plastic bottle bases to create a sculptural window installation. A drop in session for all the family
  • June 2nd, 1-4pm - Half term session for ages 10+, Transforming bottles, please book 
  • June 3rd, 1-4pm - Half term session for all the family, Bottleneck Kaleidoscopes, please book
  • June 11th, 1-4pm - Bottle Butterfly Jewels, a drop in session for everyone
  • June 12th, 1-4pm - Shining tree garlands, advanced drop in for adults
  • June 25th, 1-4pm - Jewel Tree Garlands, family drop in
  • June 26th, 1-4pm, A celebration picnic with outdoor scuptures, everyone welcome
North West Sound Archive

  • The QR tag trail by artist Steve Mathorpe and Shanaz Gulzar  around Clitheroe Castle grounds, will be on site from the 2nd of May. Information and a trail route can be picked for free for the museum shop.
  • QR tag jewellery will be available to purchase from the museum shop from the 1st of May